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Dallas PPC Campaign Management – Now Accepting Clients

We’ve been busy, but we finally have room to breathe and would like to announce that we are finally able to take on new clients that seek professional pay-per-click (PPC) Google Adwords and Bing Ads campaign management.

Adwords Impressions vs Clicks

Looking for a Dallas Adwords or Bing Ads professional?

We’ve got you covered.

Whether you have $50 a day to spend, or $5,000, we will build out a successful campaign that covers well-researched keywords, expertly written ads, a well-rounded negative keyword repository, and  just the right granularity.

We will also consult on, and can build, landing pages to optimize conversion percentages once users reach your website. Many businesses do not take into account this critical part of the process, but we will make sure you are prepared for the traffic your new PPC campaign will send to the site.

How much does it cost?

Campaign management costs (what you pay us) vary depending on the size and volume of the campaign. Please contact us for a quote.

We ask that new customers start with a minimum ad spend (what Google charges) of $50 per day. Larger campaigns will require a more significant starting ad-spend. The reason this minimum exists is because new campaigns require ramp-up time to gain meaningful and useful data so that we can fine-tune them. These minimums may be relaxed once the initial research and information gathering phase of the campaign is over.

The last company we hired to run our pay-per-click advertising campaigns took our money and ran…

We hear this a lot, unfortunately.

Give us a call. We know what we are talking about and are confident you will be happy with our work.

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