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Best Way to Optimize Your Website for Search Engines

website optimization strategies

We are living in a highly digitized world, and having a website has become an essential part of surviving the stiff business landscape. Your website represents your brand online, so it must speak what your brand speaks.  But the question is: is your website reaching out to the right people? It’s easy to put out…

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Startup Marketing Tips for New Entrepreneurs

marketing strategies for small business

  So, you’ve just entered the world of entrepreneurship and saw the tight competition at its finest. As a startup, you may not have the resources of a giant company. You run the business, but you’re also in charge of everything else, from accounting, inventory, selling, and customer service. Since most startups also don’t have…

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How to Rank a Website Without Backlinks 

how to rank without backlinks

If you want your site to enjoy a higher ranking, you should at least know what Google likes and what it doesn’t. Google updates its algorithm regularly, so sometimes, you’d be surprised that what used to work for you increasing ranking before may not work today. Call it secret, call it a mystery, but if…

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How to Create High Converting Landing Pages

how to create a landing page

  You need to have an effective, persuasive, and high-converting landing page to achieve your goal, whether that is to get people to sign up for your email list, download your brochure, take your quiz or buy your product. A landing page is a powerful tool in your online success.  But creating landing pages that…

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Epic Content Marketing

epic content marketing

Content marketing is now an integral part of a marketing campaign. Advances in information and technology have made it possible for consumers to access and consume content easily and quickly. Entrepreneurs and business owners have also come to realize that they can never part with content marketing, especially now that competition is tighter than ever. …

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Successful Lead Generation Strategies

lead generation marketing strategies

How do you get people to purchase your products and avail of your services? You lead them down to your sales funnel and you put up a marketing plan popularly called in the digital world as “lead generation.” But what is lead generation?  In a nutshell, lead generation is when you identify people who are…

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What Makes a Good Keyword

choosing the best keywords

If you own a website for your brand or business, you’ll want it to get top exposure. More exposure, more traffic, more conversions, more sales, and having an effective SEO strategy in place is critical for a successful website.  Crafting a winning strategy starts with the best keywords for SEO. Keywords are search terms that…

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What Is Link Building: A Beginner’s Guide

seo link building strategy

A successful website requires a lot of work. To generate more traffic, appear more credible, and stay on the good graces of search engines like Google, your website needs to secure high-quality links through a process called link building. For beginners, link building can seem intimidating. It requires a combination of skills, such as prospecting…

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How to Do an SEO Audit

seo saudit

Are you still baffled about why your website isn’t performing to its maximum potential, even though it was designed with all the littlest detail in mind? It doesn’t appear anywhere near the top results of search engine results pages; it has low traffic, and the pages aren’t converting. You’re frustrated because you’ve made sure that…

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Benefits of Blogging for Small Business, Plus Blogging SEO Tips!

top SEO tips

Running a small business is no easy feat. The business landscape is competitive, ever-evolving, and every business owner should know the best tools to use to get a significant advantage over their competitors. Nowadays, small businesses need to take into account that digital marketing is an essential part of their campaigns. In a world where…

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